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83. Jahresversammlung 2012
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde,
Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V.

Wissenschaftliches Programm für Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

10.30–12.00 a.m.

Gutenberg-Saal A


Neck 3/Aerodigestivetract 5: Larynx/Trachea

Chairmen: Q. Wang, Beijing (CN); A. Sauter, Mannheim (D)


10.30–10.45 a.m.
Invited Lecture
Revision thyroid surgery
L. Soylu, Adana (TR)
Free Papers    
10.45–11.15 a.m. 717. Endoscopical removal of extended laryngopharyngeal benign tumor without employment of intubation and tracheostomy
S. Karpischenko, Saint Petersburg (RUS)
  718. Reconstruction of hypopharyngeal and cervical esophageal defects: free flaps or free jejunal transfer?
H. Zheng, S. Chen, M. Li, C. Zhang et al., Shanghai (CN)
  719. Development of an algorithm for the difficult airway in head and neck cancer patients
M. Bücheler, J. Hinrichs, M. Födisch, Bonn (D)
Poster Lectures
11.15–11.25 a.m. 720. Adjustable titanium screw in treatment of unilateral vocal cord paralysis: an observation of curative effects
W. Wen, B. Sun, C. Liu, M. Zhang, et al., Shanghai (CN)
  721. Posterior cordomtomy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis: Co² laser vs. microsurgery with cold instruments
S. Lupescu, A. H. Marin, V. Draganescu, N. Balica et al., Timisoara (RO)

Endoscopy 4/Imaging 3

Chairmen: Q. Wang, Beijing (CN); A. Sauter, Mannheim (D)

Free Papers 722. Can be flexible esophagogastroduodenoscopy useful for diagnosis of early laryngeal and hypoharyngeal carcinomas?
P. Kominek, K. Zelenik, P. Vitek, O. Urban et al., Ostrava/Frydek-Mistek (CZ)
11.20–12.00 a.m. 723. Endoscopic arytenoid lateropexy as secondary, revision surgery after glottis enlarging procedures with unsatisfactory results
L. Rovó, L. Szakács, M. Shahram, B. Sztanó, Szeged (H)
  724. Endoscopic arytenoid lateropexy – pediatric cases
B. Sztanó, L. Szakács, S. Madani, L. Rovó, Szeged (H)
  725. 3D evaluation of the effectiveness of glottis widening procedures
L. Szakács, B. Sztanó, S. Madani, L. Rovó, Szeged (H)
Cross-Reference:   Kongress-Saal
12.00 p.m.   Closing Ceremony 2012
Invitation to the 84th Annual Meeting 2013


Wissenschaftliches Programm

Tabellarische Übersicht : Donnerstag - Freitag - Samstag - Sonntag
Raumplan: Donnerstag - Freitag - Samstag - Sonntag