83. Jahresversammlung 2012
10.30–12.00 a.m. |
Gutenberg-Saal A |
INTERNATIONAL FORUMNeck 3/Aerodigestivetract 5: Larynx/TracheaChairmen: Q. Wang, Beijing (CN); A. Sauter, Mannheim (D)
10.30–10.45 a.m. | 716. |
Invited Lecture Revision thyroid surgery L. Soylu, Adana (TR) |
Free Papers | ||
10.45–11.15 a.m. | 717. | Endoscopical removal of extended laryngopharyngeal benign tumor without employment of intubation and tracheostomy S. Karpischenko, Saint Petersburg (RUS) |
718. | Reconstruction of hypopharyngeal and cervical esophageal defects: free flaps or free jejunal transfer? H. Zheng, S. Chen, M. Li, C. Zhang et al., Shanghai (CN) |
719. | Development of an algorithm for the difficult airway in head and neck cancer patients M. Bücheler, J. Hinrichs, M. Födisch, Bonn (D) |
Poster Lectures | ||
11.15–11.25 a.m. | 720. | Adjustable titanium screw in treatment of unilateral vocal cord paralysis: an observation of curative effects W. Wen, B. Sun, C. Liu, M. Zhang, et al., Shanghai (CN) |
721. | Posterior cordomtomy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis: Co² laser vs. microsurgery with cold instruments S. Lupescu, A. H. Marin, V. Draganescu, N. Balica et al., Timisoara (RO) |
Endoscopy 4/Imaging 3Chairmen: Q. Wang, Beijing (CN); A. Sauter, Mannheim (D) |
Free Papers | 722. | Can be flexible esophagogastroduodenoscopy useful for diagnosis of early laryngeal and hypoharyngeal carcinomas? P. Kominek, K. Zelenik, P. Vitek, O. Urban et al., Ostrava/Frydek-Mistek (CZ) |
11.20–12.00 a.m. | 723. | Endoscopic arytenoid lateropexy as secondary, revision surgery after glottis enlarging procedures with unsatisfactory results L. Rovó, L. Szakács, M. Shahram, B. Sztanó, Szeged (H) |
724. | Endoscopic arytenoid lateropexy – pediatric cases B. Sztanó, L. Szakács, S. Madani, L. Rovó, Szeged (H) |
725. | 3D evaluation of the effectiveness of glottis widening procedures L. Szakács, B. Sztanó, S. Madani, L. Rovó, Szeged (H) |
Cross-Reference: | Kongress-Saal | |
12.00 p.m. | Closing Ceremony 2012 Invitation to the 84th Annual Meeting 2013 |