83. Jahresversammlung 2012
10.30–11.45 a.m. |
Gutenberg-Saal B |
Free Papers | ||
10.30–10.50 a.m. | 495. | Treatment of unilateral TMJ ankylosis with temporalis muscle and fascia flap: retrospective study of 51 cases S. Mishra, R. Tripathy, S. Sablok, I. Roy, Bhubsneswar (IND) |
496. | Tracheal reconstruction with supraclavicular osteocutan island flap Bernadett Lévay, L. Agócs, A. Boér, Budapest (H) |
Salivary Glands/Facial Nerve 3Chairmen: G. Rettinger, Ulm (D); S. Strieth, Frankfurt/M. (D) |
Poster Lectures | ||
10.50–11.00 a.m. | 497. | To restore eye blink and eyelid closure of denervated orbicularis oculi muscle with "artificial facial nerve reflex" K. Li, J. Liu, D. Xu, Y. Rui, Shanghai (CN) |
498. | Ultrasonography in facial muscle atrophy J. Li, Y. Liu, H. Wang, L. Guo, Beijing (CN) |
Otology 14Chairmen: G. Rettinger, Ulm (D); S. Strieth, Frankfurt/M. (D) |
Free Papers | ||
11.00–11.45 a.m. | 499. | Beitrag vom Autor zurückgezogen |
500. | The role of neonatal screening in hearing loss diagnosis and treatment Violeta Necula, M. Cosgarea, Cluj-Napoca (RO) |
501. | Complications and clinical analysis of 673 cochlear implantations J. Qiu, Xi'an (CN) |
502. | Taste sensation after cochlear implantation surgery F. Alzhrani, T. Lenarz, M. Teschner, Hanover (D) |
Poster Lectures | ||
11.40–11.45 a.m. | 503. | Small incision cochlear implantation in children Delia Trales, V. Draganescu, A. H. Marin, G. Iovanescu et al., Timisoara (RO) |